Spending Time Usefully Developing Yourself Spiritually

Here at S.T.U.D.Y.S. Ministries, it is our prayer that you will experience the genuine love, family atmosphere, and freedom to worship and serve in a multicultural fellowship that embodies our seven church family values.  Here at S.T.U.D.Y.S., We strive to:  1) Love unconditionally, 2) Live in integrity, 3) Abide in God’s Word, 4) Pray without ceasing, 5) Serve urgently, 6) Walk in the Spirit and 7) Worship in Spirit and truth.



What is your service like?

On Sunday mornings, you will experience a worship service with both traditional and contemporary elements.


Normally, our 9:00 a.m. service meets in our sanctuary (currently we are assembling in our mall parking lot due to the COVID 19 pandemic) and is a blend of traditional/contemporary praise songs led by our worship team. Our worship team will serve, prayers will be lifted for those in need, scripture will be read, and one of our pastors will teach from the Bible. 


At Sunday service we take one offering as part of our worship to God through giving.  If you are a visitor, we welcome your donation, but we encourage you not to give out of a sense of obligation.


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